I read a whole lot, but compared to my bookmarked articles on Medium... this is nothing. 😅

Stop evaluating Product Designers like we’re Visual Designers | by Tait Wayland | Oct, 2020 | UX Collective (1)

Junior designers, please design with numbers | by Aaron Cecchini-Butler | Oct, 2020 | UX Collective (1)

3 Biggest Mistakes Young UX Designers Make | by Andy Layman | UX Planet (1)

UX Specializations. Let your skillset do the talking this time. | by Avinash Bussa | Nov, 2020 | Prototypr (1)

Why I’m leaving Silicon Valley. Here’s something I never thought I’d… | by Preethi Kasireddy | Medium (1)

The ROI of UX Design. When designers begin to think, process… | by Priyanka J | Oct, 2020 | UX Planet (1)

Overcoming Designer Doubt (1)

10 Amazing Digital Product Companies (That Happened To Be Black-Owned) (1)

How I overcame my imposter syndrome as a new designer | by Michelle Chiu | UX Collective (1)

I Only Have One Real Goal.. But I hit it every single day | by Todd Brison | Nov, 2020 | Medium (1)

Don’t Be Scared and 4 Other Lessons from Design School | by Karen McClellan | RE: Write | Medium (1)

A Guide to Research Methodologies | by Laura Carroll | Medium.design (1)

How to improve your chances when applying to design jobs | by Lily Konings | UX Collective (1)

interns.design - find paid design opportunities and resources (1)

Why UX Design Is A Strategic Business Tool | by Dennis Hambeukers | Design Leadership Notebook | Medium (1)

8 Ways To Improve the Handover with Engineers | by Eleanor McKenna | Medium (1)

4 Years of Design at Paystack. As Paystack has grown, the design team… | by F.Merry | The Startup | Medium (1)

What is a good product designer? | by F.Merry | Noteworthy - The Journal Blog (1)